Yu Song Lab @ CityU


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​ 55. C Xu†, Yu Song†, J Sempionatto†, S Solomon†, Y Yu, H Nyein, R Tay, J Li, A Lao, T Hsiai, J Sumner, W Gao*, An artificial intelligence-reinforced physicochemical sensing electronic skin for stress response monitoring, Nature Electronics, 2024, 7, 168-179. Download PDF.

Highlighted in “Stress monitoring with wearable technology and AI”, Nature Electronics, 2024, 7, 98-99.

​ 54. Yu Song†, R Tay†, J Li, C Xu, J. Min, E Sani, G Kim, W Heng, I Kim, W Gao*. 3D-printed epifluidic electronic skin for machine learning-powered multimodal health surveillance, Science Advances, 2023, 9, eadi6492. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Science.org, Science Advances, IEEE Spectrum, Phys.org, THE SCIENCE TIMES, etc.

​ 53. R Tay†, Yu Song†, D Yao, W Gao*. Direct-ink-writing 3D-printed bioelectronics, Materials Today, 2023, 71, 135-151. Download PDF.

Highlighted Paper: Materials Today Rising Star Award Contribution.

​ 52. J Min, S Demchyshyn, J Sempionatto, Yu Song, B Hailegnaw, C Xu, Y Yang, S Solomon, C Putz, L Lehner, J Schwarz, C Schwarzinger, M Scharber, M Kaltenbrunner, W Gao*. An autonomous wearable biosensor powered by a perovskite solar cell, Nature Electronics, 2023, 6, 630-641. Download PDF.

Highlighted in “Continuous sweat monitoring on the go”, Nature Electronics, 2023, 6, 557-558.

Featured on Journal Cover.

​ 51. J Tu, J Min, Yu Song, C Xu, J Li, J Moore, J Hanson, E Hu, T Parimon, T Wang, E Davoodi, T Chou, P Chen, J Hsu, H Rossiter, W Gao*. A wireless patch for the monitoring of C-reactive protein in sweat, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2023, 7, 1293-1306. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Mirage News, etc.

​ 50. E Sani, C Xu, C Wang, Yu Song, J Min, J Tu, S Solomon, J Li, J Banks, D. Armstrong, W Gao*. A stretchable wireless wearable bioelectronic system for multiplexed monitoring and combination treatment of infected chronic wounds, Science Advances, 2023, 9, eadf7388. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Scientific American, The Guardian, New Scientist, Materials Today, UPI, The Daily Beast, Tech Briefs, Le Monde, Business Insider, VOA News, Physics Today, etc.

Featured on Back Scatter of Physics Today.

​ 49. J Min, Yu Song, W Gao*. Microcracked conductors for wearable sensors, Nature Electronics, 2022, 5, 717-718. Download PDF.

​ 48. M Wang, Y Yang, J Min, Yu Song, J Tu, D Mukasa, C Ye, C Xu, N Heflin, J McCune, T Hsiai, Z Li, W Gao*. A wearable electrochemical biosensor for the monitoring of metabolites and nutrients, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 6, 1225-1235. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Mirage News, Technology.org, etc.

Featured on Journal Cover.

​ 47. Y Yu, J Li, S Solomon, J Min, J Tu, W Guo, C Xu, Yu Song, W Gao*. All-printed soft human-machine interface for robotic physicochemical sensing, Science Robotics, 2022, 7, eabn0495. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Science American, The Independent, Yahoo News, etc.

Featured on Journal Cover.

​ 46. L Miao†, Yu Song†, Z Ren, C Xu, J Wan, H Wang, H Guo, Z Xiang, M Han*, H Zhang*. Three-dimensional temporary-magnetized soft robotic structures for enhanced energy harvesting, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33, 2102691. Download PDF.

Selected in Wiley Hot Topic: Robotics.

​ 45. J Wan, H Guo, H Wang, L Miao, Yu Song, C Xu, Z Xiang, M Han*, H Zhang*. Magnetic, conductive textile for multipurpose protective clothing and hybrid energy harvesting, Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 118, 143901. Download PDF.

​ 44. Yu Song, D Mukasa, H Zhang, W Gao*. Self-powered wearable biosensors, Accounts of Materials Research, 2021, 2, 184-197. Download PDF.

Selected as ACS Editors’ Choice (one per day for the entire ACS portfolio)

​ 43. C Xu, Yu Song, M Han*, H Zhang*. Portable and wearable self-powered systems based on emerging energy harvesting technology, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2021, 7, 25. Download PDF.

Selected as the Outstanding Paper Award 2021 of Microsystems & Nanoengineering.

​ 42. H Wang, M Han, Yu Song, H Zhang*. Design, Manufacturing and Applications of Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Nano Energy, 2021, 81, 105627. Download PDF.

​ 41. Yu Song†, J Min†, Y Yu, H Wang, Y Yang, H Zhang, W Gao*. Wireless battery-free wearable sweat sensor powered by human motion, Science Advances, 2020, 6, eaay9842. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Phys.Org, Mirage News, etc.

​ 40. Y Yang†, Yu Song†, X Bo†, J Min, O Pak, L Zhu, M Wang, A Kogan, H Zhang, T Hsiai, Z Li, W Gao*. A laser-engraved wearable sensor for sensitive detection of uric acid and tyrosine in sweat, Nature Biotechnology, 2020, 38, 217-224. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Physics World, Xinhua, Science Daily, etc.

Highlighted in “Mass-producing wearable sensors: No sweat”, Editor’s Choice, Science Translational Medicine, 2019, 11, eaaz9766.

Featured on Back Cover of Caltech Magazine.

​ 39. Y Yu, J Nassar, C Xu, J Min, Y Yang, A Dai, R Doshi, A Huang, Yu Song, R Gehlhar, A Ames, W Gao*. Biofuel-powered soft electronic skin with multiplexed and wireless sensing for human-machine interfaces, Science Robotics, 2020, 5, eaaz7946. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Yahoo News, The Engineer, CNET, Inside Science, etc.

Highlighted in “Electronic skins sweat it out”, Editor’s Research Highlight, Nature Electronics, 2020, 3, 235.

​ 38. R Torrente-Rodriguez, J Tu, Y Yang, J Min, M Wang, Yu Song, Y Yu, C Xu, C Ye, W IsHak, W Gao*. Investigation of Cortisol Dynamics in Human Sweat Using a Graphene-Based Wireless mHealth System, Matter, 2020, 2, 921-937. Download PDF.

Highlighted in Caltech News, Science Daily, Xinhua, The Engineer, etc.

See Preview article by Professor John A. Rogers from Northwestern, “Don’t Sweat It: The Quest for Wearable Stress Sensors”, Matter, 2020, 2, 795-797.

​ 37. J Wan, H Wang, X Chen, L Miao, Yu Song, H Guo, C Xu, Z Ren, H Zhang*. A novel flexible Hybrid Electromagnetic-triboelectric Nanogenerator and its application for 3D Trajectory Sensing, Nano Energy, 2020, 104878. Download PDF.

​ 36. H Guo, J Wan, H Wu, H Wang, L Miao, Yu Song, H Chen, M Han, H Zhang*. Self-Powered Multifunctional Electronic Skin for Smart Anti-Counterfeiting Signature System, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 22357–22364. Download PDF.

​ 35. H Wang, Yu Song, H Guo, J Wan, L Miao, C Xu, Z Ren, X Chen, H Zhang*. A three-electrode multi-module sensor for accurate bodily-kinesthetic monitoring, Nano Energy, 2020, 68, 104316. Download PDF.

​ 34. L Miao, J Wan, Yu Song, H Guo, H Chen, X Cheng, H Zhang*. Localized modulus-controlled PDMS substrate for 2D&3D stretchable electronics, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2020, 30, 045001. Download PDF.

Selected as the “Highlight of 2020” by Editorial Board (16 articles per year).

​ 33. Yu Song, J Min, W Gao*. Wearable & Implantable Electronics: Moving Toward Precision Therapy, ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 12280−12286. Download PDF.

​ 32. L Miao, H Guo, J Wan, H Wang, Yu Song, H Chen, X Chen, H Zhang*. Skin Inspired Humidity and Pressure Sensor with Wrinkle-on-Sponge Structure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 39219-39227. Download PDF.

​ 31. X Cheng, W Tang, Yu Song, H Chen, H Zhang*, Z Wang*. Power management and effective energy storage of pulsed output from triboelectric nanogenerator, Nano Energy, 2019, 61, 517-532. Download PDF.

​ 30. H Guo, H Wu, Yu Song, L Miao, X Chen, H Chen, Z Su, M Han, H Zhang*. Self-Powered Digital-Analog Hybrid Electronic Skin for Noncontact Displacement Sensing, Nano Energy, 2019, 58, 121-129. Download PDF.

​ 29. H Chen, Yu Song, X Cheng, H Zhang*. Self-powered Electronic Skin based on the Triboelectric Generator, Nano Energy, 2019, 56, 252-268. Download PDF.

​ 28. Yu Song, H Wang, X Cheng, G Li, X Chen, H Chen, L Miao, X Zhang, H Zhang*. High-efficiency self-charging smart bracelet for portable electronics, Nano Energy, 2019, 55, 29-36. Download PDF.

​ 27. Yu Song, H Chen, X Chen, H Wu, H Guo, X Cheng, B Meng, H Zhang*. All-in-one piezoresistive-sensing patch integrated with micro-supercapacitor, Nano Energy, 2018, 53, 189-197. Download PDF.

​ 26. H Chen, Yu Song, H Guo, L Miao, X Chen, Z Su, H Zhang*. Hybrid porous micro structured finger skin inspired self-powered electronic skin system for pressure sensing and sliding detection, Nano Energy, 2018, 51, 496-503. Download PDF.

​ 25. X Chen, H Guo, H Wu, H Chen, Yu Song, Z Su, H Zhang*. Hybrid generator based on freestanding magnet as all-direction in-plane energy harvester and vibration sensor, Nano Energy, 2018, 49, 51-58. Download PDF.

​ 24. X Chen, L Miao, H Guo, H Chen, Yu Song, Z Su, H Zhang*. Waterproof and stretchable triboelectric nanogenerator for biomechanical energy harvesting and self-powered sensing, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 112, 203902. Download PDF.

​ 23. J Zhang, Z Song, H Guo, Yu Song, B Yu, H Zhang*. GPS-inspired Stretchable Self-powered Electronic Skin, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2018, 17, 460-466. Download PDF.

​ 22. H Wu, Z Su, M Shi, L Miao, Yu Song, H Chen, M Han, H Zhang*. Self-Powered Noncontact Electronic Skin for Motion Sensing, Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 28, 1704641. Download PDF.

​ 21. X Cheng, Z Song, L Miao, H Guo, Z Su, Yu Song, H Zhang*. Wide Range Fabrication of Wrinkle Patterns for Maximizing Surface Charge Density of a Triboelectric Nanogenerator, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2018, 27, 106-112. Download PDF.

​ 20. L Miao, X Cheng, H Chen, Yu Song, H Guo, J Zhang, X Chen, H Zhang*. Fabrication of controlled hierarchical wrinkle structure on PDMS by one-step C4F8 plasma treatment, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2018, 28, 015007. Download PDF.

​ 19. Z Su, H Chen, Yu Song, X Cheng, X Chen, H Guo, L Miao, H Zhang*. Microsphere-Assisted Robust Epidermal Strain Gauge for Static and Dynamic Gesture Recognition, Small, 2017, 13, 1702108. Download PDF.

​ 18. Z Su, H Wu, H Chen, H Guo, X Cheng, Yu Song, X Chen, H Zhang*. Digitalized Self-Powered Strain Gauge for Static and Dynamic Measurement, Nano Energy, 2017, 42, 129-137. Download PDF.

​ 17. Yu Song, H Chen, Z Su, X Chen, L Miao, J Zhang, X Cheng, H Zhang*. Highly-Compressible Integrated Supercapacitor-Piezoresistance-Sensor System with CNT-PDMS Sponge for Health Monitoring, Small, 2017, 13, 1702091. Download PDF.

​ 16. H Chen, L Miao, Z Su, Yu Song, M Han, X Chen, X Cheng, D Chen, H Zhang*. Fingertip-inspired electronic skin based on triboelectric sliding sensing and porous piezoresistive pressure detection, Nano Energy, 2017, 40, 65-72. Download PDF.

​ 15. Yu Song, X Chen, J Zhang, X Cheng, H Zhang*. Freestanding Micro-Supercapacitor With Interdigital Electrodes for Low-Power Electronic Systems, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2017, 26, 1055-1062. Download PDF.

​ 14. Yu Song, J Zhang, H Guo, X Chen, Z Su, H Chen, X Cheng, H Zhang*. All-Fabric-Based Wearable Self-Charging Power Cloth, Applied Physics Letters, 2017, 111, 073901. Download PDF.

Featured on Journal Cover.

​ 13. X Cheng, L Miao, Yu Song, Z Su, H Chen, X Chen, J Zhang, H Zhang*. High Efficiency Power Management and Charge Boosting Strategy for a Triboelectric Nanogenerator, Nano Energy, 2017, 38, 438-446. Download PDF.

​ 12. X Chen, Yu Song, Z Su, H Chen, X Cheng, J Zhang, M Han, H Zhang*. Flexible fiber-based hybrid nanogenerator for biomechanical energy harvesting and physiological monitoring, Nano Energy, 2017, 38, 43-50. Download PDF.

Featured on Journal Cover.

​ 11. X Chen, Yu Song, H Chen, J Zhang, H Zhang*. An ultrathin stretchable triboelectric nanogenerator with coplanar electrode for energy harvesting and gesture sensing, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 24, 12361-12368. Download PDF.

​ 10. H Chen, Z Su, Yu Song, X Cheng, X Chen, B Meng, Z Song, D Chen, H Zhang*. Omnidirectional Bending and Pressure Sensor Based on Stretchable CNT-PU Sponge, Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27, 1604434. Download PDF.

​ 9. X Chen, M Han, H Chen, X Cheng, Yu Song, Z Su, Y Jiang, H Zhang*. Wavy-shaped hybrid piezoelectric and triboelectric nanogenerator based on P(VDF-TrFE) nanofibers, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 1263-1270. Download PDF.

​ 8. X Cheng, L Miao, Z Su, H Chen, Yu Song, X Chen, H Zhang*. Controlled fabrication of nanoscale wrinkle structure by fluorocarbon plasma for highly transparent triboelectric nanogenerator. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2017, 3, 16074. Download PDF.

​ 7. H Wang, M Shi, K Zhu, Z Su, X Cheng, Yu Song, X Chen, Z Liao, M Zhang, H Zhang*. High performance triboelectric nanogenerators with aligned carbon nanotubes. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 18489-18494. Download PDF.

​ 6. Yu Song, X Cheng, H Chen, J Huang, X Chen, M Han, Z Su, B Meng, Z Song, H Zhang*. Integrated self-charging power unit with flexible supercapacitor and triboelectric nanogenerator, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 14298-14306. Download PDF.

​ 5. Yu Song, X Cheng, H Chen, M Han, X Chen, J Huang, Z Su, H Zhang*. Highly compression-tolerant folded carbon nanotube/paper as solid-state supercapacitor electrode, Micro & Nano Letters, 2016, 11, 586-590. Download PDF.

​ 4. X Cheng, Yu Song, M Han, B Meng, Z Su, L Miao, H Zhang*. A flexible large-area triboelectric generator by low-cost roll-to-roll process for location-based monitoring, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2016, 247, 206-214. Download PDF.

​ 3. Yu Song, B Meng, X Chen, H Chen, M Han, X Cheng, H Zhang*. Fabrication and characterization analysis of flexible porous nitrogen-doped carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2016, 61, 1314-1322. Download PDF.

​ 2. Z Yang, Y Zhang, Yu Song, J Wang, Y Chen, Z Zhang, N Duan, X Ruan*. Magnetic properties for the single-domain CoFe2O4 nanoparticles synthesized by the hydrothermal method, Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2015, 30, 1140-1146. Download PDF.

​ 1. Yu Song, Z Zhang, N Duan, J Wang, Y Chen, B Tong, X Yang, Y Zhang*. Composition and size dependence of magnetic properties of FePt/Fe exchange-spring films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 371, 100-105. Download PDF.


​ 4. Yu Song, Wei Gao, Haixia Zhang. Integrated Smart Micro-Systems Towards Personalized Healthcare, Wiley-VCH, 2022. Book Cover.

​ 3. Yu Song. Chapter 4: Characterization of Triboelectric Nanogenerators, in book Flexible and Stretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator Devices: Toward Self-powered Systems. Wiley-VCH, 2019. Book Cover.

​ 2. Yu Song. Chapter 16: Flexible Electronic Devices with Multi-Dimensional Perception, in book Frontier Technologies for Integrated Micro/Nano Systems. Peking University, 2023. (Chinese)

​ 1. Yu Song. Chapter 21: Skin-Interfaced Sweat Biosensors, in book Frontier Technologies for Integrated Micro/Nano Systems. Peking University, 2023. (Chinese)